You can now set up a personalised custom Voicemail on your iPhone. You can set your own voice with your custom message on it.
With the feature of iOS 18 released this year, iPhone users can now set up a custom Voicemail with their own voice.
If you’re curious to know about this, then don’t worry, we’re here to help you with this. Voicemail allows callers to leave recorded messages when you are unable to answer your phone.
This feature is typically managed by your carrier, but the iPhone provides an easy interface for you to listen to messages, manage your mailbox, and set up custom greetings.
Whether you want a professional greeting for business purposes or a fun message for friends and family, customizing your voicemail is easy.
In this blog post, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to set up a custom voicemail on your iPhone, along with tips and best practices for recording the perfect message.
Why Customize Your Voicemail?
- A custom greeting helps you stand out and gives a personal touch to your communications.
- A well-thought-out voicemail can convey professionalism, especially for business calls.
- You can include specific information, such as your availability or alternative contact methods, in your greeting.
Steps to Set Up Custom Voicemail on Your iPhone
Follow these easy steps to set up custom Voicemail on your iPhone.
1. Tap on the Phone app icon on your iPhone’s home screen. In the bottom right corner, tap the “Voicemail” tab. If this is your first time setting it up, you may be prompted to set up voicemail.

2. As you can see in the above screenshot, tap on the Greeting option at the top right corner.
3. Now you will be asked to select the account and select the account you want to add a custom voicemail.

4. After selecting the account, you can now add your custom voicemail. Just click on the Custom option.

5. Now click on the Record button, and record your custom Voicemail. After reviewing the recorded audio, click on the Save button.
Be sure to speak clearly and at a moderate pace. You might want to prepare a script to help you stay on track.
After recording, you can listen to your greeting. If you’re happy with it, tap “Save.” If not, tap “Re-record” to try again.
Your custom Voicemail will now be active, and callers will hear it when they reach your voicemail.
Tips for a Great Custom Voicemail Greeting
- Keep It Short and Sweet: A good length is around 20 to 30 seconds. This ensures your message is easy for callers to digest without losing their interest.
- Introduce Yourself: Start with your name so callers know they’ve reached the right person. A simple, “Hi, this is [Your Name],” works well.
- State Your Availability: If you want to provide an alternative contact method, mention it briefly. For example, “Please send me a text, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
- Update Regularly: If your situation changes (like if you’re on vacation or have a new job), don’t forget to update your greeting to reflect that.
Accessing and Managing Your Voicemail
How to Listen to Messages
Tap on the Phone app. Tap the “Voicemail” tab to see your list of messages. Now Tap on any message to listen to it.
How to Delete Voicemails
Simply Swipe Left on the Message, This reveals the “Delete” option. Tap Delete, and this will remove the message from your inbox.
Save Messages
If you want to save an important message, tap “Share” and choose a method to save it, such as email or a note.
Q. Can I set up voicemail if I have multiple accounts?
Q. What should I include in my custom voicemail greeting?
Q. Can I change my voicemail greeting later?
Setting up a custom voicemail on your iPhone is a straightforward process that can enhance your communication style.
With the ability to record a greeting in your own voice, you can make your voicemail stand out, whether for professional or personal reasons.
Remember to keep your message clear, concise, and updated to ensure that callers receive the information they need.
By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll create a voicemail greeting that reflects your personality and professionalism.
Don’t hesitate to revisit your voicemail settings regularly to keep your greeting fresh and relevant!
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